Friday 31 May 2013

Power Cut in Tunstead Milton and Impromptu Walk to Shepherds Arms

We had a 9 hour power cut today. The local electricity company had some planned maintenance to do in the area.

After 3 hours of doing odd jobs and having no power for computers or enlargers I decided to go for a walk over the hills. As I left the rain stopped, always a good sign.

It brightened up and turned into a pretty good day to be out on the hills. 10 miles later I found myself at one of my 2 favourite pubs, the Shepherd's Arms in Whaley Bridge. What are the odds of that happening? After a 10 mile impromptu walk ending within 2 miles of home at the Shepherd's!

May is Mild Month so I had a couple of pints of Jennings Mild and jolly nice it was too. Then it was home via the cricket ground and, yes, the power was back on!

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